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Monday, 29 April 2013

Liver Disease in Children

A child is a natural suspect liver problem through physical appearance that looks yellow. And liver disease symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, having no taste, abdominal enlargement, especially the top right, darker colored urine (such as tea), as well as colored stools paler. On the State of the Christ, can occur on two legs, swollen because of decrease in production by the liver, albumin hands visible redness (palmer erythematic), and spider nevi to ongoing bleeding channel of digest. When your child's natural signs as above, a complete physical control and laboratory support is urgently needed.

The way the prevention of liver in children Specifically for pregnant women who have never had hepatitis b immunization, working on hepatitis b serology control. If HBSAg negative, his good mother acquire hepatitis b immunization. When his positive HBSAg, then it can be worked on additional precautions in the baby born to give hepatitis b immunological.

Liver problems in children can be prevented by proper immunization schedule do. Hepatitis a immunization is given a child from above two years. 2 times with intervals of 6-12 MTHS. Hepatitis b done some three times: immediately after birth (strive before at the age of 12 hours), age two month. As well as age six MTHS. Not just immunization, hygiene and environmental sanitation in more or less absolute child note to avoid child benefits under attack of viral hepatitis.

The rationalization of the use of drugs 
In the system of growing the company, a child can experience a variety of diseases easily, like a cough, runny nose, fever, diarrhea, or vomiting. Some parents are so very afraid, even though the disease is common. Not infrequently, then they use the drug with a ' haphazard ' to ' cure ' the child. Though, some of the drugs can be metabolized in the liver.

In other words, any time consuming drugs, same with adding a work of heart. Therefore, start by doing the practice of rational drug use in children. How to overcome disease liver in children by using natural or herbal remedies could be a safer solution.

Liver disorders in children are no longer a rare case. Ironically, many parents who have not learned about the symptoms and prevention. In fact, liver disorders in children are very dangerous to risk causing death.

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