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Monday, 6 May 2013

Prevent Yourself From Alcoholic Liver Disease

You must have heard about liver damage and the cause of this condition is related to alcohol. It takes place due to an acute inflammation of the liver. Those people who drink alcohol in excess are more prone to this problem. This condition is known as alcohol liver disease. Alcohol liver disease symptoms and alcoholic liver disease causes may vary. In western countries, over consumption of alcohol is the main cause of this problem. Only 15 to 20% of heavy drinkers develop the problem. Why it arise in few individuals is not yet clear. When the alcohol reach to the liver it is 80 % detoxified, then how it damages the liver is not completely understood.
There are some risk factors that can cause alcoholic liver disease such as

  • If 60 to 80g alcohol is consumed per day for more than 20 years then it can lead to the condition while in woman the quantity is 20g per day.
  • Alcohol consumption outside the meal times also increases the risks of developing the disorder.
  •   Females are more susceptible to the condition than men
  •   Some genetic factors are also responsible for causing the condition.
  •   Over amount of iron in the body can also increases the risks of this disorder.
  •   Poor diet, malnutrition, deficiency of vitamin A and E can worsen the condition. Many tests are available to diagnose the problem such as blood examination, ultrasound, CT scan etc. While in some cases liver biopsy is also performed. In the liver biopsy test local anesthesia is given to the patient. In this process a small needle is placed in the liver to get the piece of tissue. This tissue is sent to the laboratory for further examination.
  •   The treatment process includes strong recommendation for the cessation of alcohol consumption. This is the only way to reverse the damage caused to liver.
  • If treatment is not taken on the right time then the liver damage caused by alcohol can develop liver cirrhosis.
  • It is possible to treat the condition if treatment is taken on the right time, liver exercise is also helpful to treat the condition.
  • Nutrition rich diet is helpful in this alcohol liver disease. Diet which is calorie rich, high in protein is often recommended by the doctors.
  • Fat should be reduced from the meal because it interferes in alcohol metabolism. With the right and proper information about alcohol liver disease causes and alcohol liver disease symptoms it is possible to get prevention from the problem.
  •   Drugs like corticosteroids are given to treat the symptoms in severe cases. Some antioxidants are also used to treat the problem.
When all options ends then the last option liver transplant is suggested. However liver donors are rare. When liver transplant is performed, it is advised to discontinue alcohol consumption for at least six months.

source: goaarticle 

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