How to clean aluminum pans
How to clean aluminum pans, this question often complained of housewives. How not difficult to clean if the aluminum pan pot certainly not be used again. If for cooking or frying cooking results will not be satisfactory.
Children at home will definitely saturated. When more fun to watch favorite soap opera, suddenly you smell burnt. You also jumped shocked, because apparently you forgot that you're warm side dish lunch. Too late already! When you run as fast as lightning into the kitchen, you will find your new pans burn.
Remove stains Hirst is a little difficult, especially if you have to deal with the annoying crust. If you burnt aluminum pans, soak the pan with hot water so that the crust softened and can be cleaned as usual.
But if stubborn crust, then soak the pans with a solution of soda, let sit overnight, then cook the soaking water before, then wash as usual, the crust will be lost. In addition, if the pan was burnt, then you can also put sliced onions into the burnt area and then pour the boiling water, allow 5 minutes and immediately wipe.
Hopefully the article "how to clean aluminum pans" useful,
Children at home will definitely saturated. When more fun to watch favorite soap opera, suddenly you smell burnt. You also jumped shocked, because apparently you forgot that you're warm side dish lunch. Too late already! When you run as fast as lightning into the kitchen, you will find your new pans burn.
Remove stains Hirst is a little difficult, especially if you have to deal with the annoying crust. If you burnt aluminum pans, soak the pan with hot water so that the crust softened and can be cleaned as usual.
But if stubborn crust, then soak the pans with a solution of soda, let sit overnight, then cook the soaking water before, then wash as usual, the crust will be lost. In addition, if the pan was burnt, then you can also put sliced onions into the burnt area and then pour the boiling water, allow 5 minutes and immediately wipe.
Hopefully the article "how to clean aluminum pans" useful,
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